

Netflix is full of holier-than-thou windbags. In that respect they're even worse than Disney.

They're a bunch of petty little fascists trying to coerce their employees to behave the way they think people should behave.

It's bullshit. No company or corporation should inflict its values on either its employees or its consumers. That's for democratically elected governments; not for businesses that are accountable to no-one but the market and their shareholders.



I know merit, hard work and sacrifice. I've lived it. I still do. And I've also learned not to expect anything back in return for such things, but maybe that's because I'm now getting old (those naïve kids in their teens and twenties will finally understand, if they get to my age without topping themselves).

I'm fed-up with people talking about the 'meritocracy'. IT DOES NOT EXIST. And this college scandal is merely the thin edge of the wedge. If anything, I hope it will finally expose what a joke the system is. It's pointless expecting it to be fair, and it's even more pointless, not to mention hypocritical and cruel, to target a handful of families for gaming the system, when the reality is that practically everyone who has ever done well in society has only got to where they are by cheating and scamming their way through life.

Merit, hard work and sacrifice gets you nowhere. Let's please end the charade that it ever did.



The quality of ones remarks is far more valuable than the quantity. For many here, it is something that should be considered.
Is that meant to be a dig?

I think what should be considered is that I am offering a relatively unique and little discussed perspective here, instead of trotting out the same old perceived wisdom (and no, that wasn't a dig at you, but it was a defence of my own position).


Those that don't believe in merit, most likely have never had it to begin with.


Ah, I see. You're a conservative. Keep pushing those lies pal, but the wool is finally falling from the masses' eyes.

PS: Here's a book recommendation for you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rise_of_the_Meritocracy


Why the heck aren't they going after the schools themselves? I don't understand it. If the mothers are offering bribes (and I'm sure we're just seeing the tip of the iceberg, here) the schools are taking them. When are they going to go after Harvard, Yale and the rest?
