MovieChat Forums > Kascha Discussion > Was born on my birthday!

Was born on my birthday!

I was born on December 8, 1960..also born that date were everyone from JMorrison,. of the Doors to AnnaSophia RObb


I'll see your Morrison and raise you

Rod Serling
Sissy Spacek
Ken Stabler
Barbara Mandrel
Jimmy Buffett
Humphrey Bogart
Annie Lennox
Oh yeah, and the big JC himself. 😉


And Kim Basinger
Flip Wilson
Sammy Davis Jr.


That's better.

Sammy would be comparable to JC in my book.


Who's jc?


Who do you think.

I share a birthday with Jesus Fuckin Christ himself.
I'll stand back and wait for the admiration.😉


LOL...yeah I put it together when I looked up dec. 8 and didn't see any on your list...then I looked up sissy and it all became clear...duh! But fuck all that theological were born on the same day as Paul Krapense...Paul Fucking Krapense...that's some baller shit!!! All I got is Michael Jordan, Rene Russo, Joseph Gordon levit. This woukd be a good game...celebrity birthday poker...use the celeb meter to establish stars on the first page are wild...


Don't sell yourself short.
Rene Russo is a fine person to share a birthday with.
She's no Paul, but hey, who is.
Oh yeah, MJ too, whatever...

It would be a good game.
Porn stars are and will always be wild.
