MovieChat Forums > Adolf Hitler Discussion > If only he had nukes...

If only he had nukes...

Could've pulled this move ahead of the game and stalemated the Allies. He should've delayed his invasions by 5 years.


You don’t sound as smart as you think you do.

Wishing a madman like Hitler was successful, is a dumb exercise.


All the competent physicists left the country. No wonder project Manhattan was so quick.


they knew how to built it but lacked the heavy water and other resources needed to ever get close to building it. USA had ten times the production power of Nazi Germany. They never stood a chance after we got involved regardless of how much ahead their technology was. They had some of the craziest shit. Jet planes and long range rocket missiles but didnt have the vast amounts of resources we have to mass produce them in sufficient numbers


The US didn't have heavy water. It was produced by Cominco, Trail BC. Just up river from Hanford WA.


A nice man.
