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Book Review: Dinesh D’Souza’s The Big Lie - Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left

Lefties always calling their opponents "NAZI". Payback Time!

Germany’s Adolph Hitler created the phrase, “the big lie,” to describe a lie so vast that “the great masses of the people” will fall for precisely because they can fathom that it isn’t true. In The Big Lie, D’Souza shows that the Democratic Left has orchestrated a campaign to paint President Trump, Republicans, conservatives…essentially anyone who doesn’t agree with them… as Nazis.

For example D’Souza lays out the connection between the German Nuremberg Law that prohibited marriages and extramarital intercourse between Jews and Germans, and the Jim Crow laws passed by Southern Democrats after Reconstruction that continued to be practiced until 1965.

The Nazis took the Democrat-created Jim Crow laws and applied them to the Jews.

“D’Souza goes into the history of Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt, showing how much they were influenced by socialism and fascism.

During Work War I, Wilson created a propaganda ministry that became the forerunner to similar ministries created by Mussolini and Hitler. In terms of its outright bullying and intimidation of the press and political opposition he faced, Jonah Goldberg writes that Wilson’s operation was more effective — by which he means ruthless — than Mussolini’s.

Wilson’s goons even turned their venom against private citizens, encouraging children to spy on their parents and neighbors to spy on their fellow neighbors. They encouraged vigilantes to threaten and even beat up ideological nonconformists….And in fact tens of thousands of Americans were arrested and imprisoned under the notorious Palmer Raids. Goldberg writes “More people were arrested and imprisoned under Wilson than under Mussolini during the entire 1920’s.”


I'm too lazy to read the article, but the way I always explain it to folks is that *modern* liberals don't know much about history in general, or Hitler and Nazism in particular. What they do get right is that history considers Hitler and Nazism bad, so then anybody who doesn't agree with the left is also bad and therefore must be a Nazi or Hitler himself.
