MovieChat Forums > Jon Hamm Discussion > Hamm as James Bond - would be a good fit...

Hamm as James Bond - would be a good fit I think

I've just read a rumour that Jon Hamm is being considered as a contender for James Bond once Craig is finished with him. I don't know if this is just wishful thinking from some rabid fans at this point, but I think Jon Hamm would be an ideal choice as James Bond if the producers get a new one for the next film. He has the height, look, and demeanor of classic Bond, but could be a little darker which would keep the newer fans happy. He might seem a little long in the tooth agewise but both Moore and Brosnan were in their early 40's when they signed on as Bond so I think he would still be feasible. And besides Bond is normally supposed to be a more seasoned agent, although Craig took it back to his earlier days, so I think his age would be more or less right. And the distractors who said he has to be British, most of the previous Bonds weren't from mainland England. Plus remember that Albert Broccoli offered Burt Reynolds, James Brolin, Adam West, and Christopher Reeve, all Americans, the role of James Bond at certain points so he was definitely not averse to picking an American for the role if they had the right look and demeanor. They might go with an unknown, but I would rather Hamm take the role if they decide on a name actor.


Are you kidding ... first, he looks too American, and second, he just looks too stupid.


I am not a Bond movie fan in the last ... I think they are goofy and useless. BUT, I did think Daniel Craig was the best Bond, but I think that is because the series evolved to be a bit less silly and at least tried to be interesting.
