MovieChat Forums > James Gunn Discussion > I really would love to defend him but ma...

I really would love to defend him but man! These tweets makes it hard :(

When I eared the news, I was thinking "I am sure, he is just misunderstood,these tweets are super old and cannot be held against him now" but someone posted some of the tweets to me and seriously I cannot defend them, they are not even funny at all, they are just creepy and deranged and depict Gunn as a genuine pedophile who shares his sexual fantasies involving kids to the world. I would feel weird defending these tweets and I understand 100% Disney for firing him after these tweets have gone public. Come on guys! I mean he speaks about wanting to see children be raped, wanting to watch children masturbate etc.. It is some seriously f'd up and dark tweets that are impossible to sugar coat even if they are 10 years old! 10 years ago Gunn was not 12 years old, he was a grown adult who should have known better!


Those are not the tweets I have a problem with. James Gunn is an opponent of free speech who encouraged Rosanne and others to be fired. I think James Gunn should be kicked out of the country if he is against our founding principle. The pedophile stuff only matters to pedophobes and other bigots who have been raised to view sexuality in an extreme conservative way. We need to let people express themselves and we can't do that with people like James Gunn.


OK you are entitled to your own opinion and I respect them, however I certainly would not call "Conservative" and "bigoted" of me to have issue with pro rape tweets involving children.


Pedophilia has been the norm throughout the world for centuries. We are biologically hard wired to be attracted to youth, and going as far as children is just one outlet for decadent indulgent impulses, like when we feel like eating cake even if we know it is bad for us. Children enjoy the pleasures of life like anyone else and the only danger is the socially constructed one were we make them feel different for it, just like we used to outcast homosexuality. Victimhood is being blown out of proportion across all of society to the point where even women who have millions of dollars are made to feel like they ought to have been billionaires had it not been for male privlidge. I am convinced that many rich women feel like victims and that it is the same socially constructed type of victimhood as we make children feel if they have been "abused". Many prominent homosexuals such as Milo Yianopolus, Bryan Singer, George Takaei have related stories about serial molestation as children and they always claim it was "no big deal". The psychiatric profession is behind them always finding new ways to show that children aren't harmed by it. The age of consent is completely arbitrary because we know different children mature mentally at different rates. To me the most insane example of iconoclasm is an 18 year old high schooler having sex with a 17 and 11/12ths year old classmate. What is wrong with that?


Pedophobes? The only thing a pedo deserves is the bottom of a boot and a curb.


Knowledge about things that concern the few is always going to be shared by the minority, yes pedophilia is just a sexual orientation, nothing in and of itself wrong for being part of some humans makeup, it is the physical acting on it, that is a different thing. Well said Thrillhouse (321), very true, especially about the age of consent, it completely excludes individuality, basically labelling the collective like a sheep that is meant to be the same, while dozens of us used to be born with so many new anomalies that go beyond the set up standards of science. Everyone of us ages molecularly differently, especially when you compare certain generations of people, our genes and brain development is different compared to most people 100 years ago. When science sets up a standard, the nature is always bound to eventually break it apart, because nothing stays the same, universe is in constant metamorphosis, changing and shifting.
