Career Slowing Down?

She hasn't had a major film role since 2011. She seemed to be a hot commodity in the late 2000's. I think her exposure on 'Big Love' really made her career, as it was rated very highly by critics. But since BL ended, I don't see her in anything.

Is she taking time off to do the family thing? I don't think she's a great actress, but 'Big Love' was a once in a lifetime opportunity for her. She needs to strike while the iron is still warm, or she could become washed up.

I'm a civilian, I'm not a trout


"But since BL ended, I don't see her in anything."

She has been on the show 'Once Upon A Time for the past three years. She plays Snow White. She also just married and had a son with the actor that plays Prince Charming (Josh Dallas) on the show. She is not taking a break because of the baby. Filming for season 4 of the show will begin shortly.

What doesn't kill you only makes you blonder


It's weird that you're on imdb and you don't check her filmography.


^Right? What a stupidly ignorant post.

I'd hardly say being the lead character on a hit TV show now going into its 4th Season is a sign of her career "slowing down." She hasn't made any movies because filming for TV lasts like 10 months out of the year, she simply doesn't have time to film movies because she is too busy as a steadily working actress.

Not to mention she just married one of the hottest actors (who is also her co-star) on the planet and birthed his off spring.

I'd say she is doing just fine in both her professional and personal life.


Most of her early work is romcoms and such. Of course also big love (which I loved her in). But she wanted to changed the direction of her work.

When she accepted the role of Snow White she said she wanted to do in for her future children.

Since then she has gotten married and had children. Also is a main character on a widely popular TV show. No wonder she hasn't done many movies! She doesn't have the time. I think Zootopia might be a start of her getting into more family movies?


Why Hollywood won't cast Ginnifer Goodwin anymore

Ginnifer Goodwin has had a varied career in Hollywood but is probably most recognizable for her unforgettable role as Snow White in the TV show Once Upon a Time. The fairytale series is far from the only project the actress has been involved in, and she's even appeared in several romantic comedies on the big screen, yet Goodwin's career hasn't taken the stratospheric turn many believed that it would.

Some predicted Goodwin's leading role in 2011's Something Borrowed – a film based on the book by Emily Giffin — would transform the actress into an A-list star. As the Observer wrote upon its release: "Romantic comedy has taken a shellacking lately in a series of stupefying flops, but they didn't have Ginnifer Goodwin." Having also starred in a plethora of other romantic comedies, including He's Just Not That Into You, it seemed the actress was at least making a name for herself as a likable romcom protagonist … or maybe not.

Changes in her personal life seem to have impact the roles that she's pursued. From her marriage to Josh Dallas — yep, the guy who portrayed Prince Charming in Once Upon a Time – to raising children, there are many possible explanations for why it seems like Hollywood isn't casting Goodwin in big roles anymore.

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Just a simple case of someone who chose having a family over her career, and that shouldn't be looked down upon. Probably more career focused actresses would have held off having kids and getting married and just focus on at least getting themselves into a top position in the acting industry that taking a year or two out to have children wouldn't have effect them.

She's been out for years even before her break through with Once Upon a Time. I remember her in Mona Lisa Smile, A Single Man and as Johnny Cash's 1st wife in Walk The Line. She did a few romance films that didn't do much. She voiced the lead character in Zootopia. She seems to have got back into TV (Big love is another good show she did) and probably at this point is her best place to make a mark. Her time of wanting to be a major film actress is long gone sadly.
