MovieChat Forums > Georgia Engel Discussion > Looked like a middle age 1950s character...

Looked like a middle age 1950s character actress at the peak of her youth

I just find it so fascinating how middle aged she looked when she was on the MTM Show. I tried tracking down a picture of her "looking her age" during her stint on the show, and it's very difficult. The closest I was able to come to was this photo, where she kinda sorta looks like a young woman in her 20s: But for the most part, she did look like a contemporary of everyone on the show.


I don't know how old she was supposed to be on that show, but on MTM, she looked about 30 at most, but certainly younger than everyone else, and much younger than Ted Knight.


I came here to post the same sentiment. She looked 20-30 years older than she was! When Betty White is your “peer’’ but she’s almost 30 years older than you, you are not aging well. Oh well. I remember when I watched Hot in Cleveland, I assumed she was in the same age group as Betty. I was shocked when I learned she was born in 1948, the same year my mom was born, and she could easily pass as my mom’s mom, age wise. Sad.


Kind of a cute overbite.
