MovieChat Forums > Hillary Clinton Discussion > As Russia collusion fades, Ukrainian plo...

As Russia collusion fades, Ukrainian plot to help Clinton emerges

Where's the MSM coverage of this election interference? Will congress investigate?

Ukraine’s top prosecutor divulged in an interview aired Wednesday on Hill.TV that he has opened an investigation into whether his country’s law enforcement apparatus intentionally leaked financial records during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign about then-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort in an effort to sway the election in favor of Hillary Clinton.

The leak of the so-called black ledger files to U.S. media prompted Manafort’s resignation from the Trump campaign and gave rise to one of the key allegations in the Russia collusion probe that has dogged Trump for the last two and a half years.

Ukraine Prosecutor General Yurii Lutsenko’s probe was prompted by a Ukrainian parliamentarian's release of a tape recording purporting to quote a top law enforcement official as saying his agency leaked the Manafort financial records to help Clinton's campaign.

The parliamentarian also secured a court ruling that the leak amounted to “an illegal intrusion into the American election campaign,” Lutsenko told me. Lutsenko said the tape recording is a serious enough allegation to warrant opening a probe, and one of his concerns is that the Ukrainian law enforcement agency involved had frequent contact with the Obama administration’s U.S. Embassy in Kiev at the time.

“Today we will launch a criminal investigation about this and we will give legal assessment of this information,” Lutsenko told me.


Wondered why nothing came out of this or Hunter Biden.

Why Ukraine has become ensnared in US collusion claims



I started the thread before the new policy, so I'll continue it here.

You are not a moderator, so I'll report you next time!



Cry Bully!


That's it? After 3 months? Well done.

The fact that this is either still on your mind after 3 months and it took you that long to come up with your incredibly clever response or, even worse, you searched through all of your old posts just to look for an argument, says more than I ever could about who/what you are.

Have fun with your politics. I just can't imagine centering my life around a fairy tale, but to each his own.
