MovieChat Forums > Hillary Clinton Discussion > DNC already putting the hits out on Sand...

DNC already putting the hits out on Sanders, Warren, & Gabbard.

Probably hoping Castro or god forbid Joe Biden becomes the nominee. That'd be disastrous if another insider runs against Trump.


And Cortez as well. I bet they all show up at the early primaries in Iowa.


Cortez's presence could very well split the Democratic Party without even being in the contest for 2020. Pasty old Dems such as Biden and Clinton will have a hard time harnessing the masses of the major cities who they rely on. I still think Hillary is biding her time letting others snipe among themselves but her ego has to be pushing her into an announcement by springtime at the latest.


They're gonna fuck this up before it even starts trying to reset 2016! Ffs, Clintonistas, get over it.
