MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Does this dude know how to create jobs o...

Does this dude know how to create jobs or what?

Republicans sh*thing their pants over today's jobs report.


Nominated for best trolling post for today.


Tell me you don't follow business news without telling me you don't follow business news...


Tell me you dont understand math without telling me you dont understand math.

In July, 31.3 million people reported that they had been unable to work at some point in the last 4 weeks because their employer closed or lost business due to the coronavirus pandemic—that is, they did not work at all or worked fewer hours. This figure was down from 40.4 million in June and 49.8 million in May. The figure for July represented 12 percent of the civilian noninstitutional population, down from 16 percent in June and 19 percent in May.

49.8 million - 336,000 = 49.5 million


Destroys all jobs. Brings back jobs. Job making miracle worker.


Nope. tRump shut down the country. Did you forget? Are you going senile? 🤣🤣


At the recommendation of RINO advisors and everyone else responsible for deliberately releasing it to oust him and steal the election.

Oh, the 15-day shutdown didn't destroy "all jobs", that was done by the Biden Administration and their mandates......Did you forget or are you going senile?

With cases rising and the stock market plummeting, the president was eventually convinced by advisors and key members of the Coronavirus Task Force that the dangers posed by COVID‐19 required more urgent action, and he agreed to support an unprecedented 15‐day national shutdown of nonessential activity to slow the spread


Nailed it xanthas! 🙌🏼 But we know that the MAGAs who only believe the lies that the orange ( * ) tells them, will spin it as bad. (Case in point, the two above. Fat Fonzie loves the uneducated!).
