MovieChat Forums > Scott Adams Discussion > Scott Adams is clearly finished, but was...

Scott Adams is clearly finished, but was he making very much off Dilbert before he imploded?

Dilbert has been a diminishing property for Adams for a number of years, especially since his blog and his open support for Donald T**** eroded the public’s interest in the man. The cartoon was never successful in other media (the series only lasted a brief period of time, and there’s never been a feature film) and it’s likely that his syndication receipts and his percentage of any merchandising were likely his major sources of revenue over the last two decades. At this point he likely has several or more investments, so his money is making him money and that probably takes the sting off of the money he’s about to lose.

Adams’ major problem is that none of his other projects have made him the money that Dilbert has, and the Dilbert narrative universe didn’t spinoff any of its characters into their own worlds which could have earned Adams additional income. When he decided to melt down about race, he really didn’t have any fall back position to go to when the major newspapers dropped the comic. While they may have paid him annually in advance and while there may have been provisions in his contracts that allowed him to be paid if the other side decided to cancel the script without an advanced mutual agreement, it’s clear that by next year at the latest, Adams will no longer be paid for Dilbert by the major papers.

Adams is finished because it’s clear that he lacks the public relations capabilities and the ability to subsume his ego to make the mea culpas and heartfelt apologies necessary to pull his fat out of the fire. Adams would need to either cop to substance abuse issues or even mental illness to receive a minimal amount of sympathy. However as noted with Mel Gibson, people are only so forgiving and as in his case, you cannot grow tired of saying that you are sorry, whether or not you truly are. Adams’ is demonstrating nothing that resembles remorse, and so his fall is likely to be a permanent one.


With an estimated net worth of $80 million, Scott is far from finished.


"Mea culpas and heartfelt apologies"? "Remorse"? He has absolutely nothing to cop to, apologize for, or be remorseful about. He's very wealthy. He's not falling anywhere.
