6'1 my little ass

was jsut scaning down his profile on here an it says he's 6'1. i'm sure he's only about 5'9


I'm sure you're absolutely wrong. Timbaland is 5'7" and he TOWERS over Timabland about a good 5 or 6 inches at least. I met Timberlake and I am 6ft tall, he was a couple of cm's taller than me too, so I'm sure he's about 6.5ft-6'1" tall.



6'1 seems right

My brother & I met this guy in person

My brother is 5'10 and I'm 5'8 and he was taller than my brother


He's taller than Andrew Garfield and he's six feet. Justin is definitely 6'1, maybe even taller with fancy famous man shoes on.


Garfield is 5’10.5 and Timberlake is 5’11.5


Nobody towers over someone with 5-6 inches on them. That's silly. And Timbaland isn't 5'7 anyway.

But, yes, Justin Timberlake is six foot plus. He's one of the few male celebs who isn't fudging his height much if at all, and he could easily push a bit more. Just because he's got a geeky voice doesn't mean he's not tall.

5'9 is average for a male, by the way. There's no "only" in being that height.


Well excuse me for trying to make a point ceesco. Timbaland is exceedingly shorter than Timberlake and it shows, my bad if I used the wrong adjective to describe it.



“My bad”? What ghetto do you come from?

“My bad”! Our species is fucked. Hail illiteracy and ghettospeak.


LOL at 6-0 or even 6-1. I like Timberlake but lets get real. He aint taller than 5-10 range. Maybe 5-10.5 Max

People who think hes over 6-0 cant judge height or they are probably fudging their own. It happens all the time with meeting celebs.


Naw, I think the dude is a legit 6'1".


How is that true? Andy Samberg is 5'10 and Timberlake is visibly like 2 or 3 inches taller than him..
Here is proof..
http://mixtapemaestro.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/andy-samberg-just in-timberlake.jpg
So yeah he is 6'1 face it...


Samberg is 5’9
