MovieChat Forums > Roseanne Barr Discussion > Controversial tweet?

Controversial tweet?

Controversial means - likely to give rise to public disagreement.

I noticed the news feeds all saying the Roseanne show was cancelled
after Roseanne Barr's "controversial" tweet where she insults a black
person to the whole damn world by comparing her to an ape from
Planet Of The Apes.

I mean ... is that really controversial? Sure, there are people who
might have the same brashness to defend Roseanne that Roseanne
had in saying that ugly thing to begin with ... but controversial?

I say no! Anything is controversial if you let that be controversial.
Controversial should be reserved for things that intelligent people
can disagree about, not that things where there are one or two
wacked out idiots with fractions of a brain who defend of believe.

Like, there also should not really be a controversy about Global
Warming as well. Virtually all the responsible sane scientists are
on one side of that issue, and when you look at the opposition it
is made up of pure crazies, nuts and people who are or were actual
scientists or doctors, but who have been working all their lives on
things like proving cigarettes are good for you, or that despite all
the experimental evidence to the contrary that marijuana causes
brain damage and makes you go crazy.

This is not controversy. Anyone I would have even a whiff of
respect for would not say there is any controversy about not
insulting people, and especially their looks or race in a public
forum with no point to it, or just to be a mean, cruel, idiot?

Not controversial at all .... do you agree?


Your comment is "All over the place". It It goes beyond the Rosanne comment and into other unrelated areas of "Controversy" which draw blanket conclusions to controversial issues ans are obviously biased in a given mindset.
So basically your comment is not conclusively answerable.
People make cruel comments all the time. NO they are not appropriate muck of the time but what seems apparent to me is TOTALLY dependent on WHO is being spoken about in a cruel way.
The opinions seem to be that there is a double, triple or quadruple, standard that applies depending on who is the butt of the attack. So apparently some feel that there are those who are deserving of such treatment while others aren't. Race plats heavily into this issue. So does politics, and religion, and gender and sexual orientation and on and on and on.
Its a crude remark and is being blown out of proportion as many things are.
There will never be a set rule of complete acceptability vs unacceptability. There are so many grey areas and too many standards based on biased opinions.
NONE of us is so pure that we havnt made a a cruel or unacceptable remark at some time in our lives.
The best we can do is to apologize, understand our mistake and dont keep repeating the same conduct.
Things are getting very heavy handed on the "punishment" of inappropriate remarks.


You seem to like to throw up a lot of hay and waft around a lot of smoke, but you don't make any order out of what you are criticizing.

Roseanne's remark is not taken out of context at all. She has made comments like this before - investigate that.

When something is so over the line all the arguments fall aside and you see that for what it is. If you cannot recognize that with Roseanne, that has its own meaning.

Roseanne, and Donald Trump are in extraordinary positions of power. It does not take a genius to avoid making comments like both of them have made. There are standards of behavior and there is such a thing as civilization, and these two both of them appeal to people who don't understand or grasp that.

If you are saying Roseanne did not deserve to get fired, we disagree.


Who is "WE" (who disagree)?

YOUR comments are ones that go all over the place and include things that are not comparable to the argument.
Comparing the "POWER" of Rosanne to Donald Trump is absurd.
Throwing in controversies of Global warming in the original statement is beyond absurd.
I stand my ground and have no further comments to make in this thread!
Please feel free to put me on your "ignore list"
I will be happy to do the same?


> Comparing the "POWER" of Rosanne to Donald Trump is absurd.

Not if you understand the meaning of the word "compare". Trump and Barr are both public figures that are connected, so compare and contrast is perfectly appropriate. You just seem to resent being disagreed with, but you have no real logic to back up any reply.

Say what about Global Warming? Are you trolling with that one, or your entire post.

Good suggestion.


it was a controversial joke,
the controversy being whether it was funny or not....


If it is not funny, it is not a joke. As I proved with facts and logic, what Roseanne said was not a joke. It is not a joke to insult and degrade someone, and it is not acceptable what Republicans seem to think is a joke. Putting you on ignore.
