

Tarantino himself is a low rent version of many great directors. And what's the big deal about El Mariachi? It looks hideous, uncooked, non-professional. Then he did El Mariachi 2 or whatever and looked like the absolute worst of the Holliwoodization clichés.



what an embarrassing answer. I'm still waiting for reasons why El Mariachi is good.



I thought Desparado was good as well... Fun movie...

He tried something different with the Sin City movie, but a lot of his films are similar to one another...

He's an ok director... "Schlock" isn't much if a criticism as it's basically his genre... he makes a particular kind of pulp fiction 😉



He probably should have spent more time perfecting his "craft" and learning more from older director's work after his initial success...

He would have probably had a better idea of what rules to break and so on, instead of relying on the style of his initial movie again and again...



Probably right
