MovieChat Forums > Ellen DeGeneres Discussion > Is the main reason people feel negative ...

Is the main reason people feel negative towards her...

... is because of her positive opinion on George W Bush or are there other reasons?


Try reading the titles of the other threads and you'll find your answer, you lazy..... person.


OK, so I am guessing, yep, there ARE other reasons, yes? But then maybe George W Bush is like, you know, the reason to end all REASONS, I mean, he was the PRESIDENT for crying out loud, and he did many a thing wrong and one arguably a crime against humanity so... or maybe it isn't, after all, how many famous people felt positively about him or some other controversial popular figure?


It might be a factor, along with her sexuality and popularity.. there’s nothing people love more than seeing the mighty fall.

For me, if Ellen DeGeneres bothers you so much that you have to get online and slam her for everything, then it’s you with the issues, not her. I would suggest those sort of people need to get a life themselves.


Guess she's not that bad then?


I really wouldn’t know. Or care.

Apparently she’s “mean” which for me isn’t something to be either surprised or outraged over. I have more important things to worry about than Ellen’s niceness quota 🙄


She had "Damn Daniel" on her show, you know the kid that went viral with the shoes... that was enough for me.


And she was on Daniel's side too, correct?


Oh I guess to be honest, I had stopped watching the show before that point.
