MovieChat Forums > Robert Downey Jr. Discussion > PERFECT Role for Robert!

PERFECT Role for Robert!

I would cast him as a vagabond with a lisp, destitute on the streets of New York City. He is cured of his speech impediment when he encounters a mysterious goat kept in the storage room of an Indian convenience store. Tragic twists, turns, and redemption ensues.

Only he could pull this off and it'd put him on the map!

~That which didn't kill me made me STRANGER.~


Oscar time! He mighr get knicked cus of the iron man thing


The same idea for a Keanu role. I see. No wonder it sounded awfully familiar. 😏

Downey should be in something a little more fun. He should star as a superhero superstar who never washed up but instead lost it... in a good way. How so? He learns of this vocal “minorjority” of pompous film snobs who hate superhero films, curse their existence, and attempt to put an end to them. What does Downey do in return? He goes after these smug cinephiles and lays the IRON on them! XD He also goes on another search and destroy mission against actual superhero fans, only these particular superhero fans HATE the brand Downey’s superhero belongs to. They’re the type that spend their time trolling the sites and boards of the critically and financially successful movies Downey is associated with. But yeah, this “movie” should be like a more insane version of James Gunn’s “Super”... with a much bigger budget of course.

And yes, this idea came from 👀 around this so-called MovieChat site. The general board, Star Wars (Disney) boards, Marvel movie boards that are being trolled by salty DC crybabies and holier-than-tho film snobs... yep, this site can be real a shitshow. And movie elitism aside (boy those superhero-hating old fogies on the general board love to cry about them good ol’ days of cinema and the days before millennials), all the maga trolls seriously drag this place down. Anyway, need to see a deranged and brilliant Downey Stark going loco on some spiteful nerds! Blast away, joke them to death, bring Tom Holland and have him put his web shooters in kill mode! Hahahahahahahahaha!

Okay, I’m done.


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