The crow

I wonder how a burton Crow movie would have been. He has the goth down but could he have done action? Batman rerurns was pretty damn cool


Interesting....I also think that he could do a Neil Gaiman story. He has done action scenes in his movies both of his Batman movies, Sleepy Hollow to name a few.


Good point!! Of course he has done action.


He is too sugary for the Crow.
Definitely not gritty enough (if at all).
And he is a lame action director. He actually stinks at directing action sequences.
So, his Crow movie would be more into the weird aspects of the story and its magic, and possibly more focused on the love story. Less on the violence and shootouts.


Yes good point about no grit in his films.

Boy the crow was lightning in a bottle


It would have been rather like his "Batman", very cool-looking and fun, but totally lacking the disturbing atmosphere of the actual film. I don't thing Burton can make anytjing genuinely disturbing, he tried with "Sweeny Todd" and the results were completely flat compared to any decent production of the stage show. He does weird, he loves weird, but weird isn't disturbing in his hands.

And with "The Crow", Burton would have been trying to make something dark and disturbing... but without the help of Keaton and Nicholson, who did their damndest to give the Batman movie an edge that Burton couldn't provide on his own.
