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Thinks intimacy coordinators spoil sex scenes

Sean Bean said intimacy coordinators “spoil the spontaneity” of shooting a sex scene.

“It would inhibit me more because it’s drawing attention to things. Somebody saying, ‘Do this, put your hands there, while you touch his thing…”

“I think the natural way lovers behave would be ruined by someone bringing it right down to a technical exercise,” he added, comparing his experience to the raunchy 1993 adaptation of “Lady Chatterly’s Lover,” in which he starred opposite Joely Richardson.

“‘Lady Chatterly’ was spontaneous,” Bean said in his interview with the U.K.’s Times Magazine. “It was a joy. We had a good chemistry between us, and we knew what we were doing was unusual. Because she was married, I was married. But we were following the story. We were trying to portray the truth of what DH Lawrence wrote.”


Well, I'm not an actor but I think I can see his point.

Incidentally, I saw an interview with Ciaran Hinds recently. He made a film where his character had sex with a woman. The woman was played by Hinds' real-life wife, and the studio still insisted on an intimacy coordinator being present!


That’s just ridiculous.


I guess if Hinds would've instead fucked a man in this movie, the studio wouldn't have insisted on an intimacy coordinator. The director would've just tossed him a jar of Vaseline, and said "Don't stop till you get to his epiglotis"


Yeah... Neither myself nor any the actresses I worked with during my stint as an actor ever required much direction, either from an intimacy coordinator or anyone else. After choking them with all my might for a little under five minutes, these broads ALWAYS stopped resisting and objecting

Granted, I only ever starred in snuff flicks, so the atmosphere may be very different in big-budget Hollywood productions


Well, with snuff, they thankfully only complain once.
