MovieChat Forums > Alec Baldwin Discussion > Two Counts of Involuntary Manslaughter

Two Counts of Involuntary Manslaughter

The two involuntary manslaughter charges mean that Baldwin and the film’s armorer, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, will face a jury that will not only decide their guilt or innocence but also which definition of involuntary manslaughter best fits the circumstances around Hutchins’ death. No charges are related to Souza’s injury, prosecutors added.

The first type of involuntary manslaughter, a simpler charge, only requires that “there must be underlying negligence,” the release said. This fourth-degree felony carries a punishment of up to 18 months in jail and a $5,000 fine.

The second type, known as involuntary manslaughter in the commission of a lawful act, requires that there was more than just simple negligence involved and includes a firearm enhancement, or a mandatory additional penalty. While the manslaughter charge itself only carries an 18-month sentence and a $5,000 fine, the enhancement necessitates a minimum five-year jail sentence.

So basically a 3-5 year sentence depending on jury feelings of the evidence laid out. I wonder what Baldwin will be doing in the meantime while in jail. Practicing his Trump impression as if he were jailed perhaps?

