MovieChat Forums > Will Smith Discussion > I blame his wife for all of this.

I blame his wife for all of this.

Jada always seems to be angry all of the time. She is a raging alpha female who gave Will Smith a cold glare which prompted him to overcompensate for the fact that he laughed at Chris Rock’s joke.

Does that make Will Smith a beta cuck? I’m not into attacking other men’s strength of personality, or lack thereof. But their so-called « open marriage » was also likely Jada’s idea as well. Because modern women want their cake and eat it too.

I think Will Smith will recover from this when all is said and done. Mel Gibson has survived much worse scandal, when you think about it.

What this fracas certainly proves is that artists are very temperamental.


She's a liability at this point. Will needs to move on.




Oh bull, Smith is the one that got slap-happy, it's nobody's doing but his! Even if Jada told him to do something it's still his responsibility, period, end of story.

But of course there's good odds he'll blame her anyway, a Hollywood dirtbag will always find someone else to blame, even the publicist who begged them not to do that. Yell I ng "It's your fault because you didn't stop me! ", is how Hollywood dirtbags deal with trouble.
