MovieChat Forums > Nicolas Cage Discussion > Has he ever given a subtle performance?

Has he ever given a subtle performance?

I mean he won an Oscar for Leaving Las Vegas but even that was an in your face performance.


Leaving Las Vegas might be his greatest role. The combination of great writing and fine work by Cage and Shue make it a career standout.
I think he played the part perfectly, not really ‘in your face,’ just as a defeated man totally humbled by drunken foolishness and despair.


He got royally drunk and filmed himself in that state to prepare him for the role. That held him in good stead. I kind of mistrust subtle performances. They seem like placeholders for what you want to see.


Well I hate to say this but it's the truth. I've never liked Nicolas Cage. I think he is probably the most overrated actor in Hollywood. I've seen him in probably 15-20 flicks. I'm going to try to think of something I liked him in.......

He was tolerable in....

"Bringing Out the Dead"

That's about it.


I've never been a fan. His performance in Fire Birds (1990) is one of the worst acting performances I've seen. He literally wrecks the whole film.

He was good in Con Air, tbf.
