MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What are your unfinished movies?

What are your unfinished movies?

Got a movie you haven't finished seeing yet and why not?

Saw Rambo: Last Blood in the theatre in 2019, the projector or whatever they use these days broke and about half way through, no more movie, just free passes.

Never went back and I got the movie on blu-ray but never bothered watching it.

One day - maybe September 20th, it's original release date.


Those 3+ hour movies with Steve McQueen. I'm running out of movies to watch, so maybe one day, but I wasn't enjoying them, either.


The Hateful Eight (2015)


The Last Jedi
Rise of Skywalker

I punched out halfway through both and won't be finishing either one.

Birdbox: Barcelona
I shut it down after about 15-20 minutes or so. Won't be finishing that one either.

There's more but I can't remember now.
