MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > alabama riverfront fight

alabama riverfront fight

kind of funny when the guy breaks out the folding chair around two minutes in. wwe style.



she was part of the problem


the fight was over when the goons came off the boat & attacked. charge both parties for the violence or neither


if they removed the boat when asked, there would have been no fight. the guy with the chair should be charged as well.



You don't need the police to tell people that they're illegally parked, in someone else's designated spot!

At least you don't in civilized nations.



Don't try to defend assholes who assault anyone who calls them out when they park illegally or otherwise act like they're above the rules of the establishment.

They were in the wrong, they had no right to be there, and they got violent when someone tried to keep them from creating problems for the larger boat that needed to dock there. Nobody is in the right here, except the first guy that got attacked.



How things are done in civilized regions, is when a loudspeaker request is ignored, you send a person with authority down to deal with the situation in person. And it a civilized region, the person with authority is shown common decency at least, and the rules governing shared spaces are respected, in the interest of making everything in public spaces run smoothly for everyone.

Therefore, that was not a civilized area, and about 99 out of 100 people involved in that brawl were not civilized persons. The only civilized person present seems to be the guy who went down there to get the rednecks to move their damn boat before it caused a crash with a larger boat, he was just doing his job.


Nobody is in the right here, except the first guy that got attacked.

The first guy with the Nike Shirt, and white shorts that runs in and breaks it up is a hero. He runs in to a 1 vs 8 fight and breaks it up by himself. He doesn't shove anyone or throw a single punch, even though someone swings on him when he gets there. Here is a higher resolution video. But overall yeah, it's a pretty disgusting display of humanity by almost everyone else.


Isn't this the same way the movie "Hillbilly Elegy" started? I didn't watch the whole film.


i haven't seen that movie.


Stop the dam match !
