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Life Lessons from Batman

I transcribed below from the video above, thanks to the person who compiled it.

1. Language is the key to world peace. If we all spoke each other's tongues, perhaps the scourge of war would be ended forever.
2. All music is important. It's the universal language--one of our best hopes for the eventual realization of the brotherhood of man.
3. We all have the right to be selfish sometimes.
4. Astronomy helps give us a sense of proportion--reminds us of how little we are, really.
5. Always wear your seat belt, even if you are only traveling a short distance. Remember motorist safety!
6. When dealing with powerful criminal elements, one can never be too well prepared.
7. Greed is an overpowering emotion, it sometimes dims the senses, even that of self-preservation.
8. Precision--the key to success in life as well as in sports.
9. Human mechanisms are made by human hands, none of them is infallible.
10. Always look both ways when crossing the street.
11. Crime never pays.
12. No man's honesty should be suspect without good and clear cause.
13. Be prepared--at all times.
14. Even if prepared, some days are luckier than others.
15. Good citizenship includes paying the parking meter.
15. Good grammar is essential.
16. An opportunity well taken is always a weapon of advantage.
17. Appearances can be deceiving, but seldom instinct.
18. Exercise never hurt anyone.
19. Experience teaches slowly, and at a cost of many mistakes.
20. It is unwise to condemn what we don't understand.
21. Unfounded suspicions are often dangerous.
22. Violence begets violence.
23. Obey all posted speed limits.
24. Every document has some fine print that is usually overlooked.
25. Never sacrifice safety for speed.
26. People are basically good--they are merely reacting to their surroundings.
27. Self-control is tough sometimes, as are all virtues.
28. Most politicians are honest servants of the people; the dishonest ones are the exception
29. Elections are won not by polls but by votes.
30. Man has nothing without hope.
31. A brother's sufferings claims a brother's pity: no man is really all bad.
32. Always carry an extra key.
33. Without danger the game grows cold: little is gained without risk.
34. Never be rude to a woman.
35. Maturity: an older head can't be put on younger shoulders.
36. Experience with women and experience with wives are two vastly different things.
37. The best laid plans of mice and men aft gang agley [sic]
38. Great care must be taken in the use of firearms; they can be quite dangerous if used improperly.
39. Being a hero--or a crimefighter--is not what counts the most. It's growing up to be a good citizen.
40. Dancing is an integral part of every young man's education.
41. A hasty generalization is a bad habit to get into.
42. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.
43. Even with the best of intention it is hard to change a lifetime of habit.
44. He who trips last trips hardest.
45. Every man has his unknown inner strength at a time of crises.
46. One should always keep abreast of foreign tongues.
47. Suspicion often provides surprises.
48. Better three hours too soon than a minute late.
49. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
50. It doesn't pay to court disaster.
51. The size of a package is in no way any indication of the value of its contents.
52. No man is above the law and no man is below it.
53. Highway safety is every citizen's prime responsibility.
54. A man is innocent until proven guilty.
55. Hindsight is often better than foresight.
56. To err is human, to forgive divine.
57. We must abide by a jury's decision.
58. Good always triumphs over evil.


What about his time-honored advice on sharks?


Holy sardine
