MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Djokovic was denied entry to the USA - n...

Djokovic was denied entry to the USA - non-vaxxed

Can you believe it? America still denying the right to travel and compete to non citizens who refuse the vax.

DeSantis tried to get him in on an exemption...denied.

He's only the world's best player and brings in the big $$$$ wherever he plays. Surely they could have let him in



yeah for the vaxxed bozos. they can pretend they are winning when the real King of the Sport actually wins the love of the people, for fighting this evil mcfranklinvax pushing cult....


this is why i am going to Europe to meet girls this summer. All the ones that you find in the united states of israel are mcfranklinvaxed to get in. I dont wanna date and fall in love with a mcfranklinvaxed girl. I dont want my future kids mom to die from some scary heart side effects...


murica is still running the vax scheme? what a pathetic country. i must applaud china for this excellent move


That makes no sense at all. The federal government just officially ended the pandemic emergency, but it has been over for a long time as a practical matter.


They won't end it until May 11 I believe. Until then the emergency rules remain.
