MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Morals and ethics may indeed count.

Morals and ethics may indeed count.

And I for one, CANNOT even IMAGINE that one day, just like that, they would, entirely overall and with no exception, just disappear and stop counting like that, logically and literally speaking. (What will it even MEAN if morality like that "disappears", how would we realize it?)

But thing is, in humanity that is, not everyone is EQUALLY concerned with morals, ethics or even purely logical decisions just like that. And as painful as that truth is, we always had folks who are officially evil for one reason or another, not everyone of us are equally perfect and on the good side.

On a different note, good or bad folks or folks that made wrong decisions etc, there will always be matters of CONVENIENCE as well. And folks may have to tear themselves apart between doing the right thing and a just cause and getting away with something because they cannot bring themselves to face punishment.

And also... Sparing anyone even POTENTIALLY harsh details. Legal establishments that (yes, we know, we know, we know, we know!!!) exist in life in most places aren't just matters of simple lock up, release and go and troublesome for those levels. People in them may even kill others, NOT saying they are "supposed" to but it sadly DOES happen in its own gritty reality sort of way. And people do have fears of them not just in and of itself and not just by itself, but based on the stuff that happened before here and there.

So I often read people say "Oh, do morals not count anymore?" or "Is it wrong?" or "Is it acceptable?" blah blah blah etc etc as in understandable rhetorics (and I don't "disagree" with it) but I wonder if they realize that humans may be by nature, even if a little or a lot selfish, worried about some or other inconvenient aspects of consequences for their actions, and thus may choose to do not necessarily the right thing but for their own sometimes safety rather than merely facing say legal punishments. And also. In those establishments, nothing and no law says that even to bad people brutal deeds SHOULD happen, inmates and even guards often do it for their own very selfish "reasons" and are themselves often not even remotely "concerned" about the morality of such deeds and acts, its not as if in those environments everyone walks on tiptoes and worries on their conscience about such deeds, psychopaths or those who become them somehow often do not, even if WE lose SLEEP over it all at times. And criminals in prison don't just magically become rational and well adjusted human beings like that, not least because law or morals or logical people mentally insist they have to. Oh how we WISH!

But anyways...


I’m not trained in legalities but morals and ethics seem to be about treating each other politely, doing what seems right and not being the scary jackass in theneighborhood.

I think that seems reasonable and I believe most of us will keep behaving ourselves.



But point also is, sometimes when people mention "Is it wrong" or "Is it right?" when they see someone violating rules, it almost feels as if they believe that people who do it simply don't know its wrong whereas in reality, as sad as it also may be, they often do know but at best just don't care, some sadly even see gains in hurting others and may not even be bothered that society has established rules against this.

Its not like all or most humans are pre-programmed to follow rules and that most of us simply walk on tip toes otherwise.

And I really can't foresee any kind of reality where morality would just like that cease to exist and I don't think it ever will for any reason, it will always be still naturally with us.
