MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Embarrassing moments in public...

Embarrassing moments in public...

Care to share an embarrassing experience/s you've had in public? I've had a few now lol. Today I went to go ice skating, but forgot to remove my skate blade guards before stepping on the ice. I slipped and fell on my ass.


I once peed myself as I was walking home. Thankfully no one saw.

Signed, million man.


I went into a public restroom and I had to take a Dookie. I pulled down my pants and proceeded to shart all over the toilet. Two cleaning ladies came in and said "oh my goch" then I woke up with stomach cramps and made a run for the bathroom.

Signed, million (dookie) man.


One day I decided to walk to the mall on the same day I had to take my bandages off from surgery I had on my leg. About half way to the mall, my leg felt a little wet. I looked down at my leg and there was a long stream of blood rolling down my pants after the incision had opened up. I was too far to go back home and yet too far to go to the mall. I decided to jog to the mall with people looking at me weird.

Once I got to the mall. I headed toward the bathroom stall and made a huge bandage with toilet paper. It did the job. Thankfully I had a sweater and I tied it around my waist to cover the blood stain.


I once took quite the fall in a pretty public area.

And I'm not talking about the, "oops, I slipped" fall. I made such a huge sound when I hit the ground

Legit everyone in my vicinity turned & stared.


It's OK because anyone who performs they're talented in just doing it
