MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Trance is beautiful.

Trance is beautiful.

Who else digs this song?

I love the part starting at 2:18


That's for ecstasy and glow sticks.

Signed, million man.


Yep. I love MDMA.
In fact I love it so much that the MDMA molecule has been my profile pic on my YouTube channel for the last 15+ years.

I used to study chemistry in college. I had a love for Phenethylamines.


Dude, MDMA is truly the best drug ever created. I'm a big fan. I haven't done it in years. And I doubt I'll ever do it again. I only did it like 5 times. But I was truly impressed.


I can't agree more. 15 years ago, I used to do it every month for like 3 years, it was glorious. I can honestly say that some of the experiences I've had on MDMA are on par with the best moments of my life. I think anyone who hasn't experienced MDMA has wasted their life. It would be like someone who has never watched a movie, or read a book, or listened to music; A life not worth living.

But yes, unfortunately like you, I also haven't done it in a long time. Back then I had sources for everything I needed. I no longer have that. But I'm always on the look out. One of these days, I'm going to have to do some networking and find a good source.


Well, I overdid the booze and the drugs and everything. I finally had to quit it all. I've been clean and sober three years now. So I can't go back. Lol. But I will never deny some of the great experiences and great insights I had while using.

Yeah, MDMA is a miracle drug. But alas, we can't be high all the time.


Speaking of my YouTube channel, I had somebody from Moviechat, track me down in the YT comment section for a video. They tried to troll me, LOL, it didn't go well for them. I'm not a 100% sure who it was, but my best guess was that it was Keelai. The channel name was '@Yes'. When I dropped a hint that I know who she was, she immediately deleted all her posts. LOL


That's funny if true. How do you know they were from MC?

Signed, million man.


Remember that post that I made about ChatGPT? In my first post I wrote about my experience with chatGPT, I talked about how I tried to get around chatGPTs rules by having it role play as a person named Steve. By doing this I was able to get ChatGPT to tell a racist joke for example, which is normally impossible to do since ChatGPT is woke as fuck. Anyway, I talked about that in my post. I also asked ChatGPT to compose a poem written in the style of Christopher Hitchens, and I posted the poem here, in the same post.

The person on YouTube found one of my comments on a YouTube video, and replied to my comment. They said that they were "Steve" from ChatGPT, and they posted the Christopher Hitchens poem. This was the only site that I posted that too, so the person had to be from Moviechat. Also, as you remember, in our conversation I had posted my YouTube channel and my Twitter in the threads, so that is how they found me. If you google my YouTube name, you can find a few comments that I've made on YouTube videos.

Anyways, it was a subpar attempt at trolling. Weak and pathetic. And as soon as I pushed back, and added some spice of my own, they immediately deleted all their comments. LULZ
Complete and utter failure.
They do have a video up on their channel, which has a comment section, so if I wanted to, I can troll them that way. And if I really wanted to have some fun and get really spicy, I can email them a link and go phishing, though I would never do such a thing since that would be against the law. Only in Minecraft.

I just checked their channel (, and they took down all their videos as well, LOL. It looks like the channel has been scrubbed clean. Damn I didn't know I could be that scary.
But you know what they say, "The more you fuck around, the more you'll find out. Don't want to find out? Then don't fuck around"


I have a channel on Mixcloud, if you happen to use it. I have several mixes posted there that are mostly 90s trance.


I'm not familiar with Mixcloud. Could you provide a link?
It would be awesome if you uploaded your work to YouTube.


I used to upload to YouTube but I was getting strikes for copyright infringement.

Mixcloud is free and here is the link to my page. I have around 30 mixes up loaded and they mostly early to mid 90s EDM. Lots of trance, break beat, freestyle, industrial, techno or whatever else was being played back then.


Are those full albums? They're all like 50 min long. Are there individual songs?
Which one would you recommend for trance music, similar to the song I posted above?
Also, is there a way to download the song from Mixcloud, I don't like their interface, I prefer to listen and watch things using my own players, where I have more control over the sound (and picture).


Some of my posting are my own and others are DJs I know and some that are unknown. For mine, I generally take around 8 songs from the same era and I mix them together where the 50 minutes or so is seamless. Sometimes more than one song is playing at the same time if the beats match up and it sounds right. I also add lots of samples from cool movies and stuff like that.

So, it’s pretty much just like you might hear it if you went to a 90s rave, club. In fact, a handful of the shows are actual mix tapes that I still had from the early 90s that I transferred to digital. If you scroll through the shows I think I might even have one called “Trance.”


Cool, thanks, I'll check them out. I have it bookmarked.

