MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you give strangers money when they as...

Do you give strangers money when they ask?

Yes or no, and why?


If I have the money, I always give it them. Sometimes I ask them if it's for drugs, if they are honest and say yes, I give them a $20, it always makes their day.

Why do I do it? Because it feels good.


I never give money to beggars or the homeless. I'll give food until the sun doesn't shine but I would never hand out free money. You gotta earn it like I did.


If someone else tells me they are starving I will offer to buy food. But I don't hand money out. I need it just as much as they do.

Signed, million man.


no. we are having a huge issue with homeless, mental illness and violence here in toronto. i am not going to feed this problem at this point. i pay plenty of taxes.


No. We had problems like that in downtown Dallas years ago, and my dad learned not to give anything to the beggars because they did not use the money to help themselves one bit. In fact, they wouldn't even take food or a ticket; all they wanted was cash, and they'd made a career out of it for a quick fix of some kind. Even worse, some of them behaved like those animals in the woods you make the mistake of giving a bit of food to; they end up coming back to you in bigger and bigger numbers because they think you'll give them more later.
