MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I miss going on road trips.

I miss going on road trips.

Yes, when me and my parents go on road trips, we don't stray too far from the beaten path a.k.a. the interstate. But there's still lots of stuff to see along the way.

It's always nice to stop at restaurants (even if they're just Denny's and fast food - there are some restaurants that aren't common anymore where I live such as Wendy's.), gas stations, hotels, and other rest stops. I guess it's comfort food after a long ride.

I also like seeing things along the way like livestock and crops in Iowa and Nebraska, the mountains and rivers of Colorado, the deserts of Utah and Nevada, and so on.

It's kinda hard to put into words but there's just something about road trips in America.



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Beep, boop, beep - does not compute.




Tons82 is a bot.


Damn....guess I'm a bad Turing test administrator....


It happens to all of us eventually.


I see it's been terminated.
