MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is it true that you can often be "wrong"...

Is it true that you can often be "wrong" and "evil" without knowing it and without "intent"?

Also, on the average basis, besides downright obvious examples of outright de-facto and obvious violent crime and certain acts of wrong doing, wrong saying and wrong thinking, how often do we, as human beings, doesn't matter if we are men, women or children of either gender, or anyone else, simply do and act wrong? Just by living our lives and doing our routines? NOT saying, MIND YOU, that we should all even mentally walk on tiptoes and try to please everyone like that including civilized people and question ourselves on every corner, even if I MYSELF, for ONE, often these days, for a variety of complex reasons, feel I am ALMOST like this and cannot HELP it.

Also, is it true that for example, if our lives were completely scrutinized, with how uneven even LAW is and how different it is in every country in the world, we could all be, however small, jailed for something in some different parts of the world? Again, not saying it HAS to happen via axiomatic objectivity overall, but still, is it possible?

And no one is a perfect SAINT in humanity right, I mean, people who have never done anything wrong themselves?

But how often if at all do people do major wrong without realizing it? Yeah, there's sadly LOADS of people who commit wrong acts and even violent crime etc downright intentionally and often for their very own selfish, prejudiced, unhealthy etc etc "reasons" but how many perhaps do or even simply do what isn't "right" without knowing it or realizing it?

And say if humans were not specifically told and taught these things, would we all be doing something terribly wrong or even thinking incorrectly? Think racism, this and that phobia and whatnot, also not fully understanding about equality, human rights etc.

Also, should THOSE people be say angrily shouted at or insulted or just taught and told what's right and what isn't, and in a polite, intelligent, rational and thoughtful manner? And how can we teach others and tell ourselves to be careful to avoid doing even UNINTENTIONAL wrong? Cheers.

P.S. I will say more myself. But I say sadly, the answer to the thread opening question is indeed "yes".


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