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What if love and intimacy aren’t real and only exist for procreation

Did you ever think of that? What if romance, like religion, is just man’s way of rationalizing biological phenomenon.


I do not believe in unguided Evolution so I do not have problems with breaking love down to scientific constructs.


What do you mean exactly by unguided evolution?


No higher intelligence controlling the evolution of organisms.


You believe higher intelligence is controlling evolution?? And if so, that directly contradicts “breaking love down to scientific constructs.” 🤔


Three different things:
1. Intimacy is sex and exists for living beings as a way to procreate.
2. There are different types of love including a mother's love for a child, love for a pet, love for a friend. Animals love, too. Love clearly exists.
3. Romance is a way of being really nice to the person you want to attract. Try starting a relationship without it and you won't get very far. It exists.
4. I'll add chemistry. It doesn't have to be romantic. We tend to get along with certain people like being on the same wave length. Why does a dog bark at some dogs and wave their tails at others? It exists though it's hard to explain how.


It's real. If it wasn't, there would be even more violence and terrible things happening in the world.
