MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Possible dilemma for some Christians tom...

Possible dilemma for some Christians tomorrow.

Lent starts tomorrow, tomorrow is also Valentine's day.

What du?




Lent = No more treats extravagant things to show pious devotion to Jesus' sacrifice for humanity.

Valentine's Day = Definitely treating someone to let them know that you wish to be sexying with them all the time.

Incompatible beliefs to hold simultaneously tomorrow for devout Christians.

What will give way first, their love for god or their love for their tangible partner?


I'll go with the love for god first.I know i did


So you'd take the sins of the flesh over eternal unconditional love and happiness Alice?


Yes,without hesitation.I have my reasons


Instead of the usual extravagances, do something creative and heartfelt for your sweetheart, like composing a poem or song. Also, prepare to be single soon.


I feel that you should show your love every day not just one.
Anyone who gets arsey because they don't get spoiled tomorrow isn't worth having.
Just IMO of course!


A nice romantic clasp of bread by candlelight in a cold, unlit, devoid of entertainment room with some tap water to wash it down could be romantic Jack.

And there's only 46 more days to go until the extravagances can return to that loving relationship!
