MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Kids in TV and movies. Why so annoying?

Kids in TV and movies. Why so annoying?

To be clear though, not a fan of kids. I don't know why, and it may be a part of myself I don't like, but I am what I am. I don't like kids and I don't like PEOPLE with kids. They're just so noisy, messy and intrusive. Must they intrude on TV and movies too?

America's Funniest Home Videos - worst show on TV. Nowhere else can a child win $10,000 for throwing fits or giggling or sneezing.

As a fan of horror movies and TV, I can't enjoy "It." I kept rooting for the clown.
"Poltergeist". Rooting for the clown.
Stand By Me, Stranger Things, The Gate, The Shining '97. I just keep cheering on whatever is after them, wishing I hadn't started watching them in the first place.


Well...i liked Ever Anderson's performance in the final for the others,i find them amnoying too.
