MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Mods on power trips ruining this site

Mods on power trips ruining this site

LMAO, no one is on here and I got into an argument with a poster and Mod 1 is talking about "if you get a third warning, you will be banned!"

Unreal. Facebook is a lot bigger but they're pretty much harassing users like this too. I wouldn't touch their stock with a ten foot pole. Many of my friends weren't even using it much anyways.

Baby Driver came out last week and there was barely anyone on there. I think these guys are chasing people away. Unreal.


This site is the best imdb replacement. Thank you mods.


Thank you, mods, for deleting the topic that linked to a child molester's Facebook page. If you sent a team to kill that monster, so much the better!
