MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Top 15 Movies and Television Shows.

Top 15 Movies and Television Shows.

1. Star Wars The Complete Saga: Before Disney and JJ Abrams and political correctness George Lucas's true vision of technological advancement and freedom to fascism amid war redemption and family strife can be appreciated for all.

2. Breaking Bad: Finally a show about a man finally acting like a man,... albeit from an unhealthy standpoint.

3. The X-Files: I'm still waiting on this show to end to get closure but it's dark trip into the supernatural cannot be ignored.

4. The Dark Knight Trilogy: Batman does not exist in real life, but if he did the realistic portrayal is how it would be like.

5. No Country For Old Men: A modern western the delves into the psychology of environment of the southern U.S. border towns.

6. Braveheart: Historical inaccuracies aside this famous portrayal of European warfare shows that those who survive are the ones that are able to defend themselves.

7. Halloween (2007): I never liked the idea of the killer being evil by nature, this version dares to explore his upbringing.

8. Sin City: Who knew something so stylish could be so grotesque?

9. Lady Snow Blood: A brilliant female samurai revenge drama tat was unfortunately white washed in it's American remake.

10. Gangs Of New York: If you thought modern society with the Battle Of Berkley is getting violent then you don't know history.

11. Apocalypse Now: The horror of PTSD is conveyed through the visuals.

12. Stalingrad: A thoroughly depressing war movie from which there is no hope of escape.

13. BlackBook: If you thought Schindler's List was too black and white this movie portray WW2 from all angles.

14. Blood In Blood Out: A prison movie so well written that even the warden at the prison it was filmed at exclaimed; "This was real", to the writer.

15. In The Realm Of The Senses: In this hilarious romantic comedy about misguided lust an Asian couple follow through on their desires to self destruction.


1 prison break
2. fringe
3. 24hours
4. The walking dead
5. Breaking bad
6.Resident Evil franchise
7.falling skies
9.Battlestar galactica
10. The outter limits
11.Stargate sg 1
12.Stargate antlantis
13. Tomb raider movies
14. Criminal minds tv series
15. V tv series,both old and new series😉


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