MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do atheists find horror movies scary?

Do atheists find horror movies scary?

Are horror movies that include supernatural entities like ghosts, satan, devil, lucifer, spirits, haunted house, possesed person, voodoo, etc. scary?

And how about non-supernatural but still fictional horror movies, like monsters, dracula / vampires, aliens, dragons, etc.?

Finally, how about fictional story but non fictional antagonists, like snakes, sharks, serial killers, psycopaths, or psychological horror movies?


I'd think no more or less than anyone else. Depends on the person.


LOL I read the title originally as "Do ATHLETES find horror movies scary" I was like hell no they are athletes!

Just because you don't believe in God doesn't mean you can't get scared. Most horror movies today have nothing to do with religion but are just "jump-scare" films - things pop out and scare/shock you. Perhaps back in the day horror was more tied to religion (Exorcist and similar films).


I'm a fence sitter,a hedge my bets type when it comes to religion.

I love horror (except those Hostel or Human Caterpillar types) super nature is just appealing.

I think it is true that the most frightening things are humans.
