MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Had a great deal of trouble signing in!!

Had a great deal of trouble signing in!!

Over and over, my info was not being recognized. Then , poof, it was. Anyone else?


That's happened to me before lennonforever, when I tried to sign in on my mobile, but I can't say if it was over and over, because I didn't keep trying. But I've never had any problems on my desktop. But I just tried signing in on my mobile a little while ago and was successful, so there's probably still a few bugs in the system.

I'd imagine Jim's quite busy during the week, and the weekends are the only time in which he has to upgrade this site for the most part.


I haven't had any trouble signing in. I've thought I had trouble once or twice when I commented on a thread and it kept asking me to sign up and I finally realized I hadn't signed in. Durr me..


I haven't had any issues with signing in yet, but I do sometimes still get randomly logged out. Not as often as before though.


I just got signed out earlier today, but it was the first time in about a week, since the site had been going through constant upgrades.


OK peeps! thank you all for replying. Yes, I was logged out a few times. I know Jim is working hard for us. I appreciate it.
