MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Anyone using KODI for all their Film and...

Anyone using KODI for all their Film and TV boxset fixes?

I am and have been since the xbmc days. Any movie from any time 2 clicks and boom showtime yer streaming EVERYTHING!!!



Many people are now. It getting really popukar...So expect it to be policed like YouTube is now. All that current stuff or even old stuff will be taken out...Enjoy while you can though....


Its better than Netflix


I use Kodi, but not for streaming. Quality is too variable. I use SABnzbd/Couchpotato/Sickrage, plus a bunch of multi-terabyte hard drives, to download my currently standing 2500 movies and 415 complete TV shows. Plus I use Plex so I can stream my content to any device in the world.


Not variable if you link your addons with a Real Debrid account.
