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I play video games to experience history.

So I play Far Cry Primal to experience the stone age. I play Elder Scrolls V Skyrim to experience medieval times. I play Nioh to be a samurai and Red Dead Redemption to be a cowboy. I play Far Cry 3 to see if I would be any good at goin back to being tribal in modern times. I play Sleeping Dogs to experience the present but in a much cooler way. And I play Deus Ex to experience the near future and Mass Effect to see humanity's final destiny in space.


That's interesting actually. I only ever use music and movies to get in touch with history, not so much games, as Counter-Strike and Left 4 Dead for example don't particularly resonate to the past but more so about exploring different sides of my personality. Unless of course you grew up with CS 1.6 like I did, then it's an era of its own.

I do, however, collect old-school consoles and enjoy retro-gaming to connect to my childhood as it was a great gaming era, and a great life era at that. Streets of Rage, Wonderboy and Sonic being one of the many favourites of mine.

I actually still play Solitaire when I want my brain to shut off. I've got such swagger.


Oh God! Nioh's third boss is killer!


Don't give up. I broke many control pads from having to restart xD


you might try reading a proper history book?


As for myself, I read a lot of history books and like the first poster, I too play historical video games to get a feel for the various periods. Red Dead Redemption, Call of Duty World At War, Red Orchestra, Warband, all of these and many others can give you a visual and emotional sense of the period that does not come as strongly from books. Admittedly, most games are not 100% historically accurate, but it's a good start.


as for myself, the same.
