MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > They couldn't even let us keep them unti...

They couldn't even let us keep them until midnight.

Bastards. I'm NEVER going back there.


They must have went by UK timezone instead of Pacific Standard Time which is where Amazon is headquartered.


As soon as I got that message, I deleted my account.


Well they did - just midnight UK time.


id hoped to watch it die from my favourite board but it was to late by then...


Why did they do that? Aren't they a California corp? That sucks. Well, no reason to return. Now I wish I could get the GD IMDb app off my phone. It never worked properly anyway.


Why UK time?


I'm very disappointed with not only the decision as a whole, but the boards could have at least been sent off in some sort of celebratory fashion, with a countdown for different timezones, a message on the front page etc. I had been looking to archive some boards earlier today as I haven't had a chance all week.. then I realized that slowly the boards were timing out and being disabled. STILL, I hope we can make this a great alternative and carry on the discussions.


That's just plain rude. All hail moviechat!
