MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > SUGGESTIONS (FUNCTIONS) V1


I think it would be nice to have all the functions suggestions in one post for this initial version. Let's be realistic and start with basic functions.


How about linking MovieChat user names to IMDb screen names, so that pre-migration posts show up in our histories? Have it as a field on the profile page (non-editable after initial completion to prevent maliciously associating with the wrong user name) in case peoples' IDs here don't match IMDb.


Yeah, that would be cool. I'm one of those who changed their screen name, I was woodstock1960 on IMDb. Maybe, when things get settled here, it can be an option down the road.


The ability to reply to specific post and have it like in a 'nest' or 'tree' view.

Avatars would be nice..


Immediate suggestions for V1:

The posts and threads need better separation. It's all too close and hard to read, with no lines in between to make posts stand out more.

Bold, Italics, Underline, Link, Quote feature would be nice. Smilies are fun but not necessary right now (probably for V2)

And something IMDB never figured out: notifications when we are quoted. And a Private Messaging system. But those I would also put under V2 or later. The most important thing is to make our posts more pleasant to look at and readable, so that way newcomers don't feel turned off by the look of the place. Personally I don't think it's that bad (it does the job), but outsiders may have a different opinion.


I agree with what was stated so far. Nested/threaded posts, and email notifications of replies, are the things I really miss.
