MovieChat Forums > Heeeeey

Heeeeey (28)


Heads up--Ben troll is impersonating me and others Silent Siren This site was down More features -- like 'preview' and Admin, you seriously need to get some smilies on here. We need more profile settings Latest post 'by' feature. Having to scroll down to new reply. View all posts >


Reported. I'm sure it must seem strange to you having a President putting America first after 8 years of having one that did nothing but kiss Muslim ass. Notifications, like you said; PM feature; friends list; favorites list; profile settings; avatars; smilies. We'll all just go to other places. It's a 'sort of' IMDb. This site will really confuse you too: I have to admit that I found him rather annoying and was shocked to learn that he was a Trump supporter. He oozes 'liberal'. Good! No Western women should lower themselves to Muslim standards. Thank you for this effort, Jim. I'm sure this site will be an improvement over the Jeff 'Bozo' Bezos boards. Not to seem impatient, but as long as you're taking suggestions, some of the boards are getting long. We are going to need to be able to set a limit of how many posts to view per page on our profile settings. Just something to add to your long to-do list. And please let me be the first on your ignore list. Jeff 'Bozo' Bezos is probably too rich to care. If the traffic goes down, he'll resurrect the message boards. View all replies >