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Songs Game - Originals and Covers Reloaded

Let's try this again.

I post a song, and the rest of you guys have to find the original or cover version of it. Whoever posts the correct song does the same, and so on. You can also post your favourite version, if the song has many covers. Also, post a link so we can listen to the other versions :)

Let's get this ball rolling:

Sonic Youth - Superstar

What's the original?

EDIT: Adaptations into/from other languages are also welcomed.

The Carpenters

I saw the video with the lead sister t shirt she was wearing and automatically recognized it must be them. Mind was blown though. Totally recognize it when the Carpenters were doing it.

Might take me a minute to post another one though, have to think of it. good choice though. :)


Dewey actually got it correct. The original is by Delaney & Bonnie (at least according to Wikipedia). But I think The Carpenters might have the most popular version of it :)


Oh darn I didn't know had to be original..opps. Was having a couple, haha. So not sure why my mind was blown....

All good. I'll get it next time (maybe) :-D


My bad. I don't think I set up _any_ rules LOL. But yeah, maybe we could try to go for the original and then a favourite version. You can totally use Google BTW.


Google would totally help. Thanks. :) You explained it clearly, I just don't process things properly sometimes.


I feel you. It takes a while for my brain to "load" as well sometimes.



I never knew Sonic Youth redid this.

The original (I think) I love Leon Russell.

Delaney & Bonnie

My favorite. One of the best voices of all time

The Carpenters


Delaney & Bonnie it is. It's my personal favourite version. After that is Sonic Youth, and then Carpenters.


I never heard this version, will have to listen.


It has that great soul? sound. I love it.


So this is what you had in mind ?

I only went with the ones I knew.
This song has been remade a lot.


I know. I'm bad at explaining stuff. But, yes, find the original is what I meant. We can use Google too. It's like a treasure hunt, I guess.

I should have thought this through some more...


You did fine. It's a really good idea.

This could be an endless game.
I noticed on the song relating to movie thread you mentioned something about
covers. Is that where you got the idea ?


I don't even remember that. But it very well may be.


Be cool to have a game too where we put a song and then put an unknown from YouTube covering it. That would take awhile though.(to find someone great at the cover) I'm not meaning for this game, it was just an idea. :)


That's a great idea :). It'll make it even harder for find the original.


Now I see how to play.. :-)


This version is my favorite.
The lyrics don't start until 1 minute in. If you want to skip a cool intro.

Jeff Buckley-Hallelujah



This song by itself has gotten me several times.
Add Cornell's daughter into the mix I'd have been a blubbering idiot.



I just watched it.
Yeah, blubbering is an understatement.
She's only 12. That blows my mind.
A lot of talent in that little girl.


Okay, I definitely know this one.

Leonard Cohen

And yes, this is my fave version and I know he wrote the song.
So am i right?
And this song has been remade sooo much. I saw an interview with him shortly after he died saying how flattered he was. Its even sadder of a song since he passed.


You are correct.
Way too easy for you.


Was so sad when he died, but at least he got to make that last album produced with his son which I'm sure gave them lots of good time together.


They were lucky to have been able to work together.


Wow, just reading what you guys wrote i don't think I can watch that right now...too sad. :(


It's very sad and she's so talented.


It's his daughter solo or with Jeff Buckley? Yeah, i would cry too hard either way.


Not with Jeff Buckley.
Strangely enough Jeff Buckley is dead also. Went swimming after a concert and never came back.

The above video is just Buckley.
The other video is on you tube. She actually does a duo with another singer. One Republic I think.


I really like this version as well. Why would anyone want to skip the intro?


I don't know.
Sometimes you get those people.

I saw him perform this song in Chicago. I've never been so moved at a concert in my life.


So now do i put a song? :)


Yes, you can post a song now. You could've done it the last time too, I'm not too strict lol.


Haha, I had started with the original artist anyways.


Ah, I see :D Whenever you're ready then :)


While we wait for Daisy to post a song :P, I'll take the liberty to post something in the meantime.

Just to make it extra hard, it's all in foreign.

Shturcite - Star Album (no, that's not in English, it's transliterated)


This is tough.

This is the first song that came to mind

R.E.M.- Stand


It does sound kind of similar, but it's not it. Do you want a clue?


I listened to it again and again.

Roy Orbison- You Got It.


Not it either.

I too listened to it a lot yesterday. So much so, that when I played the original I got startled when they started singing in English lol.


I'm going to give yours a try first. :D


Wow, that is difficult. Seems like its in my brain, just doesn't want to come out.


Seems like you and Dewey don't read Youtube comments. I know it's in Bulgarian, but the clue is still there :P


No, i typically don't.. that much be a huge hint. I am going to check it out. :)


I looked and I saw that it was [spoiler] The Kinks [/spoiler], but I don't know which song and I can't find it on YouTube. I really do suck at this game. haha

Don't think I need to use the spoiler thing, but just in case anyone considers that "cheating" I will. LOL. :D


Thanks for using the spoiler because yeah, it's cheating.
I won't look yet.


I did say you can use Google, so the comments are cool too. If I wanted you not to have that clue in there, I would've posted an upload where the band wasn't mentioned in the comments. There are also uploads where the name of the song is mentioned /if it gets to that point/.


No Mina I don't read comments and refuse to acknowledge Daisy and her cheating ways.
At least so far.
I just can't place it and it's bugging the F out of me.


I wouldn't say it's the best known song from that group. Wikipedia says it was used in a Hewlett-Packard commercial.

I'll say this, you know this band and it's older than the 80's.


I listened again. Several times.

Then I read comments. As soon as I saw The Kinks it hit me.
This was excellent. I think I've now heard the Bulgarian version more than the original.

This will be a little more difficult for me. Since I only speak one language. I also barely speak
this one which you of course know by now.
Try this without reading first to see if you can get it. I'm not sure I would be able to.

Albert Pla-EL lado más bestia de la vida


Great job, Dewey! (even though you didn't write the name of the song* :P)

And the flamenco girls said: Lay, lo-lay, lo-lay, layla lo lay, lo lay

Great one! I immediately knew what it was, as the bass (?) kicked in (don't mean to brag). It also helps that I love this song.

Walk on the Wild Side, Lou Reed.

*Picture Book, The Kinks


Why would I write the name of the song when I knew you would do it for me.

Go ahead and brag girl. You deserve it.
I listened to it a few times and I still don't know if I would get it.


I'm sure you would.

Here's an easy one (or is it):

Atomic Kitten - The Tide Is High (Get The Feeling)


Blondie -The Tide is High

It was too easy. It was also too bad.
Too bad I had to listen to it. Almost painful.
It's hard to find ones that don't have the original title.

Try this one.

Eileen - Ces bottes sont faites pour marcher


Umm, nope. Blondie's version is a cover as well. That's why I said Google is allowed.

I was a teen during the 00's. I have at least a dozen of these pop band covers of great songs. I'll try not to torture you with all of them lol.

These Boots Are Made For Walking, Nancy Sinatra.


I had no idea Blondie was a cover that's why I didn't even try google.

Please, no more torture. I didn't even get through a minute of it.

Of course you're right.

With this new information maybe it doesn't matter if it shows the name.
Could be i'm overthinking. I don't do that too often so I'm not quite sure.


Some even roped in the original performers!

It's great, isn't it! Maybe if Dazed were here she could explain what's with UK pop bands, and all the covers.

You're not overthinking. Even with the name, the most popular version might not be the original, clearly.

EDIT: Because you got what I put here on your own :P


Great is a very subjective word. I'll reserve judgement.

Of course Dazed isn't here. I'm Dazed. I'm tired. I need sleep. I have a life.

I actually like this one.


Not a fan of Blue, then?

I like it as well. (the song)

At first I though "Another Dutch song". Then I was like "Wait, it's playing backwards". Then I Googled. So that's how Gaelic sounds.

No offence to anyone Dutch, backward or Scottish.


I'll pass on Blue.
I'm sure none was taken. Although the Dutch are a bit persnickety
so you never know.


In The Air Tonight, Phil Collins

Interesting cover, you're really digging deep to stump me.



Not really these are pretty easy. Not like the ones you did.
I will however stump you. Somehow someway.
Prepare yourself to be stumped.


The original is The Paragons. Had absolutely no idea. Nicely done Mina.
I now get your "or is it" reference. It threw me at first. Then I thought
she did that just to throw us off because she's cunning like that.
Now my head hurts.


That wasn't to throw you off. It was a clue! I won't help any more...


I know that NOW.
I obviously need all the help I can get so don't stop. Please don't ever stop.

See every time that I have ever told you about overthinking.
This just corroborates my previous testimony.


I'm not sure if you're even familiar with the original of the first two.
Let's take a chance. The last is easy but totally different from original.
Senang; Arie Koesmiran
Gael Garcia Bernal - Quiero Que Me Quieras
the Ataris - boys of summer


I am half familiar lol

The first one is Sugar Sugar by The Archies.

The second one is I Want You To Want Me. I know the Letters To Cleo version. Didn't know it was a Cheap Trick cover. But thank you for this wonderful cover with Gael Garcia Bernal! It made my night.

The last one was the most difficult one. I know the song, but I had to google, because I thought it was Bryan Adams... And the guy sounds nothing like him lol. Don Henley it is.


Nice job.

The first one was the hardest for me.

I dug a little deep for the first two. Be prepared for more.
