MovieChat Forums > Politics > Donald and Joe go to a restaurant.

Donald and Joe go to a restaurant.

Donald and Joe both have rallies scheduled in the same town. After the rallies, they call a truce and go to a restaurant to talk out their differences like gentlemen.

They walk in and sit down. The waitress comes over and asks Donald what he wants to eat.

"I'll have a T-bone steak, medium rare." says Donald.

"And what about the vegetable?" asks the waitress.

Donald looks over at Joe, then looks back at the waitress and says, "Just bring him some chicken nuggets and an ice cream cone."


Would have worked but we know Trump likes hamburgers.


But they don't usually offer a choice of vegetables with a hamburger.


You might want to edit your joke to more accurately reflect reality. It's well known that Trump is ordering that T-Bone well done with plenty of ketchup! And the Ice cream? Also him, as I remember him proudly boasting how he gets an extra scoop!
