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What would corporations do if democrats were on track vote for universal healthcare?



First, it was psychopath this and psychopath that, now it's all about democrats. At least they're both the same.


If you mean healthcare organizations, they will do what they are doing now:

1) kiss up to Democratic Party agendas, in the hope of delaying/stalling the eventual arrival of universal healthcare and protecting their obscene profits for as long as possible, and...

2) desperately wishing they can be a part of the implementation of universal healthcare, which they will justify with, "We already have the structures and systems in place", and once again, protect their jobs/profits.

Blue Shield is currently doing this in California right now.


You just made me realize why America won't be adopting that shit any time soon. Big Pharma and the insurance companies wouldn't allow it, because it would destroy their profits.

I read about how it's done in Europe:

All the money you would have paid for to a health insurance company goes into your taxes instead, and in exchange, you get a shitty doctor and long wait times at crowded, understaffed hospitals with secretaries that don't give a rat's ass about you. You also don't have any clue what kind of medicine the doctor's giving you at all. You're forced to trust that he or she will give you the right medications and often have no idea what you're actually swallowing or putting into your bloodstream most of the time. It gets even worse if you're trying to get major surgery, because you gotta wait months at a time instead of a fraction of that time in America.

So, while you don't have to worry about greedy insurance companies messing up with hospitals, or greedy pharmaceutical companies trying to force their [possibly unnecessary or toxic] product on you, you also don't get the kind of care you would have enjoyed in an American hospital or clinic.

Meanwhile, all the rich people (in both America and Europe) go to private hospitals and get care that us peasants can only dream about, such as nurses being available when you actually need them, and the doctors actually being able to talk to you and treat you, without you having to go through 60 years of messing with the electronic phone system.
