MovieChat Forums > Politics > POTUS 2028 election worst nightmare is E...

POTUS 2028 election worst nightmare is Eye Patch McCain (Crenshaw) vs Buttiege

I fear that's where we are going until President Trump does something to prevent this. Hopefully we all learned out lessons during 2020 about the risks of allowing elections. The democrats will no doubt steal the election by voting for their moron. Trump needs to make sure that he isn't overthrown in 4 years, and that when he is ready to retire that he can pick the best person to replace him. If we don't, then the democrats or the RINOs will take over and ruin everything that Donald Trump accomplished. They will close down the camps, start taxing the rich, outlaw slavery again, bring back communist social programs like CHiP, bring back NATO, and they will demilitarize the border with Mexico and Canada.

President Trump will need to abolish the legislative and judicial branches to make this happen. Once he fixes things, we can then have another constitutional convention, but this time we will not have communist influence from pinkos like Hamilton, Madison, and dare I even say George Washington.


Crenshaw is a RINO and part of the establishment now. I think Ron DeSantis will have a better chance at being President in 2028. Fudgepacker Pete has no business being President.


So you agree with everything I said?
