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House Speaker Vote

Why are they bothering to hold a vote today if Gym Jordan doesn't have the votes?

How embarrassing!!!


Anyone who can't count votes cannot be an effective leader. Which fits right in with a party whose philosophy of government is to not govern.


Just a little bit embarrassing.


I think a Dem/Rep power-sharing agreement will need to be decided upon. Republicans obviously can't select a speaker by themselves. They're going to need to back someone who Democrats might support based on deal-making.


republican-minded people are the type who like to control processes in ways where they already know from the beginning the process won't work for people who oppose them, but then require their opposition to go through said processes anyway to try to create the appearance that they're actually being fair.

So it's no wonder republican-minded people don't know of anything else to do when they're required to go through a process that has an outcome that's not going to work for THEM. ; )
