MovieChat Forums > Politics > There's no logical reason to think the 2...

There's no logical reason to think the 2020 election was rigged at all

I was told that by people who are basing the rest of their lives around an "overweight 77-year-old man who eats nothing but KFC and makes too many angry posts on social media".

Those guys are the kings of logic, aren't they?


Those are also the same people who refused to acknowledge that The Mueller Report verified that the 2016 election was essentially rigged due to Russian interference which manipulated them.

Either way, they obviously just prove that they always believe what they want to believe despite facts which prove their opinions wrong.


He is the most successful con man ever.


All elections are rigged and democracy is a sham.


The fact that these threads have to be made so frequently 3 years going, is pretty much a smoking gun at this point.

Doth the leftists protest too much, me thinks...

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.
